African Women’s CSW65 Advocacy Position and Recommendations
The African Women’s CSW65 Advocacy Position and Recommendations were developed following a virtual consultation with over 300 women’s and civil society organizations, feminists and advocates from more than 48 African countries and the diaspora that met on the 15th February 2021 to deliberate on the Africa CSOs position on the theme of the CSW65.
FEMNET as a co-chair of the NGO CSW/Africa convened the drafting working group which included:- Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS), SERVITAS Cameroon, Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA), Gender Links, Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF), Women for A Change, Cameroon (Wfac), Zamara Foundation, KADIRAT, and Khafagy, Tha’era, Arab Women Network for Parity and Solidarity.
We would like to acknowledge the participation and contribution of all the women and girls in their diversity with special mention of the young women, women with disabilities, gender non-conforming persons and women living in rural and informal settings that provided written submission. We note the diversity of the continent and vastness of the issues that the CSW65 theme and the COVID-19 context provides, and while we might not have included every contribution made, an effort was made to cover and be inclusive as much as possible.
These African Women’s CSW65 Advocacy Position and Recommendations were presented to the Africa Virtual Regional Consultation on CSW65 convened by the UN Women, the African Union Commission (AUC) and the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) on 22nd – 23rd February 2021 for the gender technical experts consultations and the Ministerial Consultation on 26th February 2021.
We would like to thank the usual support from the AU Gender Directorate, UNECA and UN Women in ensuring women’s and civil society organizations and feminists networks participate in and contribute to the resulting outcomes of the Africa Virtual Regional Consultation on CSW65.
Click here to Download/ Read the African Women’s CSW65 Advocacy Position and Recommendations