Why Nigeria knows better how to fight corona than the US
Neoliberalism decimated African countries’ public healthcare. And yet they know how to fight the coronavirus effectively
The coronavirus disease, otherwise known as COVID-19, was first reported in Wuhan, China on the last day of December 2019. When it began to spread rapidly , the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared it a public health emergency of international concern on 30 January 2020.
As such, the coronavirus puts and continues to put a spotlight on the need for meaningful investment in health care – and public health in particular, understood as ‘the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private communities, and individuals.’
However, in an interesting turn of events brought about by the coronavirus, neoliberal capitalism will be faced with the reality of what its policies actually mean for human life. One just needs to take a look at how the US and African countries like Nigeria are dealing with the outbreak.
Read More >> https://www.ips-journal.eu/regions/africa/article/show/why-nigeria-knows-better-how-to-fight-corona-than-the-us-4144/
Source https://www.ips-journal.eu/
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