The beginning of a journey that will set the tone for our future #SRHRDialogues
For over 30 years, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights has been a key area of engagement and influence. By developing, producing and sharing educational and information products, conducting training of different stakeholders at different levels, FEMNET has contributed to the change of attitude, beliefs and practices around SRHR. Regional and global advocacy convenings led to the adoption of global, regional and national legal frameworks and instruments on SRHR. As FEMNET continues to convene African women and their organisations to engage in global processes like the review of ICPD25, Beijing+25 SDG+5 and influencing the acceleration of the implementation of the Maputo protocol in their specific countries, it is important for FEMNET and partners to reflect on the gains, threats and plan for the revamped advocacy on SRHR with a shared understanding of the African Feminist Principles.
This E-Bulletin has been produced with the financial support of FEMNET’s development partners including the Embassy of Sweden in Lusaka, Zambia and the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of FEMNET and do not necessarily reflect the views of our development partners’.
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