AU CSW62 Africa Ministerial Outcome Document
FEMNET has been intentional and strategic in creating linkages between national, regional and global advocacy efforts on African women and girls engagement at the 62nd Session of the UN Commission n the Status of Women (CSW62) to be held in New York from 12th – 23rd March 2018 – and whose priority theme is “Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls”.
The African Women’s CSW62 Advocacy Position & Policy Recommendations outlines consensus recommendations and key messages co-developed by over 70 women’s rights activists and advocates who convened at the Regional Pre-CSW62 Strategy Meeting of Women’s Rights Organizations from 19th to 20th February 2018.
On the 21 – 23 February 2018, FEMNET joined other women’s rights activists to lobby and influence the African Ministers in charge of Gender Equality and Women’s Affairs who were meeting in Addis Ababa to deliberate and agree on an AU Member States Common Africa position on the CSW62 Agreed Conclusions – See the resulting AU CSW62 Africa Ministerial Outcome Document