FEMNET Statement – 6th Programming Conference/General Assembly

November 1st, 2013
We the members of FEMNET who have been here present at the 6th Programming Conference and General Assembly from 30th October – 1st November 2013, have received, reviewed and adopted the FEMNET Chairperson’s Report given by the interim Chairperson Ms. Emma Kaliya.
We therefore note with embarrassment and serious concern the circulation of a report by a purported chairperson of our organization – making rounds on email list serves and social media.
FEMNET remains a strong and united pan-African network of over 400 organizations and individuals from 42 countries across the continent.
Following the unfortunate governance crisis which began in 2012, the membership of the organization showed swift and bold leadership. The challenges were addressed in accordance with our constitution and in line with the laws of our host country Kenya. Members took bold action which put FEMNET on a new path as an invigorated and united movement, under the leadership of a capable interim board. Our gathering here further reaffirms that commitment.
The members gathered here unanimously and in unity disassociate themselves from the malicious statements and conduct of Ms. Sylvie Jacqueline Ndongmo. We urge the public to disregard all the fabricated and unfounded allegations against the leadership of the organization. We have full confidence in our leadership and will continue to strengthen and support them in their service to our movement.
We are conscious of the confusion and the potential damage that this, and other statements can cause to our strategic partners, allies and the general public. We would like to assure you that we remain one indivisible pan-African women’s movement.
The Chairperson’s report as adopted by the General Assembly of 1 November 2013 is available on the official FEMNET website – www.femnet.org.
Please join us in celebrating 25 years of advancing women’s rights in Africa. FEMNET remains committed to its important mission and we look forward to many more years of partnership and collaboration on this crucial journey.

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