CSO Nairobi Declaration on the Nairobi HLM2

We, the Participants at the Pan African CSO conference on  “CSO Preparatory meeting towards the second high level meeting  for Nairobi under the theme of ‘Fast tracking SDGs Implementation through Effective Development Co-operation’ held in Nairobi, Kenya on 24th – 25th October 2016, have come together as African Civil Society Organizations, including women’s organizations, labour unions, faith based groups, and networks, in the spirit of solidarity and partnership and as key actors in the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation  from 35 African countries with over 500 million citizens of Africa to consolidate our position in our preparation to the second High Level Meeting .
Reaffirming that if the citizens of Africa are to see transformational and sustainable change in their quality of life in the Sustainable Development Goals context, the means of implementation and particularly the global partnership for effective development goals (GPEDC) must place gender equality, youth and women’s empowerment, as well as children at the centre of its focus in effective development co-operation.
Click to Download and Read the CSOs Nairobi Declaration towards HLM2

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