
By: Yemurai Nyoni
When it comes to gender equality and the question of why I keep talking about it, I have this to say. Gender (in) equality is a real issue, whose legitimacy is still undermined by the status quo: the existing arrangement of our economies, societies and politics. As a young man, a youth voice and a part of your social media family; I have to keep talking about gender equality in order to send the message home.
I aim to make sure that by the time we’re done talking about gender equality, that’s all our leaders will have left to say. Up to such a point that any leader who doesn’t say it, see it or work towards it as we do, will stick out like a sore thumb.
We need to keep conditioning the world to see what we see in order to bring our future closer. There is a greater hope for humanity, a suppressed potential, which we will see if and when women have their stake of the development pie.
So I will continue to speak about gender equality, until this conversation stops being unusual. But even then I will continue, because it is not enough to speak about it or believe in it; we must take the necessary steps to prove its authenticity. That way, when we have seen the transformative power of women’s leadership, when we witness their constructive influence on the economy, society and politics; there will be no turning back, ever.
To my female friends and colleagues, we are not at gender equality 101 yet. Somehow it seems the world can still afford to leave you out, beat you up and keep you down. So they need to hear more, they need to believe and we can help them. Hence I speak with the 50+% because there is a case to prove and women need a full platform to prove it.
Lastly, for those who ask for evidence of the benefits of gender equality, there is plenty in tow; but the best of it is yet to come. #HeForShe #MorePower #MoreSpace #NoViolence #GenderEquality #NoRegrets #MakeItHap
Infographic courtesy of Women Deliver http://www.womendeliver.org/knowledge-center/publications/invest-in-girls-and-women-everybody-wins-2014/

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